For information about registering to vote in Hawaii, contact your County Elections Division. Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. County of Hawaii (808 ...
A proposed statewide public financing program for political campaigns was once again shot down Wednesday, even as a raft of election reform measures remain alive.
Hawaii is a Democratic stronghold in presidential races. It has voted for Republican presidential candidates only twice since gaining statehood in 1959 – Richard Nixon in 1972 and Ronald Reagan ...
Since Hawaii switched over to a mail-in ballot system in 2020, voters have received ballots at their home that need to be filled out, placed in a sealed envelope, signed by the voter and returned ...
So far, only Delaware, Michigan, Oklahoma and Utah election officials have said Kennedy will appear on their ballots, and he is likely to appear on the California and Hawaii ballots, the survey found.
Is the commission still able to do its job amid unceasing questions about election fairness, continued calls to fire top ...
Both chambers of our state Legislature have five chances this session to distinguish themselves as supporters of good government. A total of 10 worthy reform bills are currently divided equally ...
Voters in Hawaii, Colorado and California all voted last year to support ballot initiatives that changed their state constitutions to give same-sex couples the right to marry. But now, the Supreme ...
The leaders of each political party in the House and Senate currently get to appoint four commissioners. Rep. Adrian Tam ...