He could have directed them to John Dean. Those actions might have saved ... Next time in these pages, Watergate – cracks in the coverup. Bill Benson, of Sterling, is a dedicated historian.
Two days later, on March 21, 1973, John Dean III, Nixon’s legal counsel, confronted Nixon in the Oval Office and told him that “Watergate is a cancer on his presidency,” but Nixon refused to ...
According to interviews Woodward and Bernstein have granted over the years, Deep Throat -- named after a '70s porn film -- is a man, is still alive, held a highly sensitive post within the executive ...
Here's a barometer for how troubled the Trump presidency is: John Dean is back in the spotlight. Dean was Richard Nixon's White House counsel and a central character during the Watergate years.
particularly effective in flashbacks from their current day selves to their Watergate-era roles for such stalwarts as Carl Bernstein, Bob Woodward and John Dean. Numerous current day parallels are ...