Dreaming of those rumpus-room days, long past, in which you would spend hours navigating Link through Hyrule, your trusty Nintendo controller in hand and visions of 8-bit glory dancing in your head?
What has turned Nintendo into a video gaming juggernaut? Fun gameplay, catchy music, and impressive for-the-time graphics are a few. Oh, and don’t forget the characters. Nintendo’s history is ...
As far as we can tell, it's a series of Japanese animated movies in the '80s that eventually had a spin-off game for original Nintendo. We're guessing the movies included some gratuitous ...
Movies and TV shows get rebooted all the time. Video games are no different. While a video game series will sit dormant for a while, that doesn’t mean it’s done. We’ve seen games rebooted in ...
A YouTuber has successfully installed an older version of macOS onto an unused Nintendo DS. He even shows you how to do it yourself. This could be a great little ...
wiping Wii games clean on your t-shirt -- There are many old-school, community-approved tips and tricks for keeping retro Nintendo games clean and safe. The Nintendo DS is one of those systems ...