Animation screenwriter Buck Woodall has recently been involved in an ongoing controversy. A legal clash centers on allegations around Disney’s blockbuster follow-up movie, Moana 2. The animator ...
With the worldwide box office for its animated Polynesian fantasy adventure Moana 2 having sailed north of $1 billion, the ...
Animator Buck Woodall has sued Disney, alleging the company copied elements of his screenplay for "Bucky" to create "Moana" ...
A film worker is suing Disney for $10 billion, claiming the "Moana" franchise shares "breathtaking" similarities to work he ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Animator Buck Woodall is suing Disney for $10 billion after he said he shared film materials with the company in 2003 while working on a development deal. Woodall filed ...
Animator Buck Woodall claims that film producer Jenny Marchick fed his original idea for a film titled 'Bucky' to Disney, which ultimately produced 'Moana' in 2016 Disney Disney is being sued ...
Animator Buck Woodall has filed a lawsuit against Disney, alleging that ‘Moana’ ripped off his original screenplay ‘Bucky’ with similar plot elements and characters. Despite an earlier ...
Animator Buck Woodall, in a lawsuit filed on Friday in California federal court, claims Disney ripped off elements of a screenplay he wrote for an animated film called “Bucky.” Both works ...
A court ruling last November prevented Woodall from bringing an identical suit against the original 2016 film because the filing would have come too late. Though Woodall's suit filed Friday ...