A key ingredient to success for the Connellsville softball team this season will be its ability to produce a lot of offense.
The moon will appear to take bites out of the sun this weekend during a partial solar eclipse in the Northern Hemisphere — ...
President Trump makes no secret of his admiration of Old Hickory. Jackson’s portrait hung there during Trump’s first ...
The Pitt-Greensburg Theater Company will present Anne Washburn’s Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play as its spring production.
Fayette County Jail officials said Wednesday the Department of Corrections has completed its inspection of the site, and it ...
Jeff Keefer is seeking the nomination for the four-year term for East Huntingdon Township supervisor on the Republican ticket in the May primary election.
Power plant operators, gambling magnates, charter school backers, and trade unions are among the interests that gave almost $18 million to Pennsylvania’s top lawmakers last session, ahead of ...
Twice a week, Luisa Arguello and her husband spend from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. praying in the perpetual adoration chapel at St. Benedict Catholic Church, ...
Springfield Township Volunteer Hose Company will hold an auction fundraiser 6 p.m March 28 at their fire hall in Mill Run. The items auctioned off will be new. There will ...
During his campaign, Donald Trump promised to protect Medicare. After Joe Biden’s Medicare Advantage, President Trump had his work cut out for him.
DEAR ABBY: My son just told me his daughter, age 26, is getting breast enhancement surgery. My question is, how do I address that when next I see her, probably in several months? It’s not like ...
Did you know that nearly 15 billion single-use alkaline batteries are sold worldwide every year? When you’re gifting an electronic item that needs a battery, consider upgrading to rechargeable. Unlike ...